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Chinese translation for "door access control"


Related Translations:
doors:  舱门大门房屋建筑门关门门点
door door:  小多多
door:  n.1.门,户。2.入口,门口;通道,门径,门路,关口。3.一户,一家。4.【船、机】盖,口。短语和例子the front [back] door 正[后]门。 a street door 临街大门。 shut the door behind [after] him 把他身后的门关上。 Mind the door! 注意门户! Is the door to 是从这道门走吗?
access door:  出入门检修门检查口盖检查门检修孔检修门;通道门进人门进手门人孔盖入口小门通道门, 入孔门, 检修门维修门
door to door:  (集装箱运输)门到门挨家挨户户到户户对户接取送达门到门门到门门到门运输门对门服务
Example Sentences:
1.Door access control and time recording
2.Enhanced 701 server and ar - 701 client software for door access control , salary , time & attendance , elevator control , photo image and video capture , etc
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